Scheduled For Release 2012-06-30
Next KolibriOS stable release. All major bugs should be fixed until this release.
0000170: [Kernel] bug with the video buffer
0000003: [Applications] Quake: wrong window parameters
0000132: [Kernel] DOSBox fails to 'dir' root directories
0000006: [Applications] Table: cells after row 0000099 can't be displayed, but can be scrolled
0000012: [Applications] KFAR text editor: "edit mode" can't be enabled from "view mode" (Mario)
0000005: [Applications] Table: wrong output in some cases
0000002: [Applications] Quake: sticky keys (maxcodehack)
0000011: [Applications] KIV: scaling (dunkaist)
0000004: [Applications] Table: 100% CPU load (leency)
0000007: [Applications] Kox: PC violates the rules (Mario)
0000008: [Applications] MSquare: bug with "change difficult" (dunkaist)
0000014: [Applications] @notify: need to fix multiline output (SoUrcerer)
0000016: [Applications] DOCPACK: do we need grobfar.txt? (SoUrcerer)
0000019: [Applications] Tinypad: menu sysfunctions (SoUrcerer)
0000013: [Applications] ICON: page fault at icon change (Mario)
0000001: [Applications] uPDF : blinking during window redraw (SoUrcerer)
10 of 16 issue(s) resolved. Progress (62%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2012-12-13
Long-time perspective
0000188: [Kernel] СФ 18.16.4 Некоректное поведение.
0000139: [Kernel] Can't access a partition that was locked by a crashed process
0000186: [Kernel] Падение ядра при частой замене фона. (Jurgen)
0000018: [Applications] uPDF: some bugs/features (SoUrcerer)
0000009: [Applications] Jump'n'Bump: fix window size (SoUrcerer)
0000010: [Applications] Lua: library support (SoUrcerer)
0 of 6 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues