View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000191Kolibri OS (trunk)Generalpublic2024-06-04 08:44
Reporterigor.46335 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformAny x86 / Любой x86OSKolibriOSOS VersionSVN autobuilds
Product VersionSVN build / автосборка SVN 
Summary0000191: Contacting DNS server failed with EAI code: 00000002
DescriptionWhen you try to access the site using netsurf or webview or try to run a system update, an error appears in the board:

Contacting DNS server failed with EAI code: 00000002
HTTP GET error!

But I'm connected to the Internet!
Please fix it!
Steps To ReproduceGo to any website using a browser and then you will see this error in the message board.
Additional InformationNetwork Card Driver: RTL8169
Network card: Realtek 8168H/8111H
TagsNo tags attached.
SVN revision / ревизия SVN
Type of distribution / Тип дистрибутиваiso / образ компакт-диска


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-04 08:44 igor.46335 New Issue